It links to Rockefeller empire is evident when Henry Wellcome appointed John and Allen Dules if Sulluvan and Cromwell as a law firm responsible to his own company and hisnown will.
When Henry Wellcome dies in 1936 the Welcome Trust Fundation was set up and a Welcome trust was set up in connection with Welcome Fundation and become the largest funder if medical research in Europe.
In the la 50 Wellcome took over the running aspects of Rockefeller Funded Lindon University College Hospital medical school and their joint interests in tropical illness research via London School of Hygiene and Tripicam Medicine.
Iver following decades Welcom.w pursue several aspects of pharmaceutical healthcare with interests in iver the counter remedies. Antiviral animal healthcare genetic engineering and biotechnology.
It strengthneded its connection with the government the media medical.qcademia and various cimiteea and Association thatbwere set up tonregulate and control all.aspects of scientific medicalnresearch and edu education.
AZT marketer by Wellcome as Retrovir had been developed in the 60 as drug to treat cancer but it had been proven to be highly toxic as well as ineffective as itnappeared unable to distinguish between cancerous and healthy cells.
However it appeared to show some anti vital properties which is why after being shelved in the 69th was re tested fir use and treatment of AIDS in the 1980s.
Human and clinical drug trials take place in 2 parts following useless animal testing. Phase 1 toxicity phase 2 concentrated on long time side case of AZT phase 2 was halted after 4 months and the drug was granted a licence despite the fact that the patients in the trial were given regular blood transfusions to alleviate thebpossible side effects. The profit of Wellcome were L1132 millions lires in 4 years
AZT was.licensed in UK without any clinical.trials four weeks before it was licensed in US. 25 of the Medicine Commission were parliamentary advisor on Medicine and 5 had interests in Wellcome.
Within a short time AZT was licensed in 35 countries.
Wellcome's influence media and the government continue with its donation if L10,000
. They began the tests on asymptomatic HIV positive patients.
Then they began to attack alternative treatment or anyone challenging HIV AIDS hypothesis.
Welcome bribed British Medical Association with L150,000
The tests are based in a faulty test Elisa test which show up HIV positive status. The tests is sinfaulty that false positive results can occur.
The patients monitor T-Cells.A significant T cells.drop many clinics is the indicator that a drugbterapy should be commenced.
However using TCell count for a healthy person is useless since the average TCells count for a healthy person vary between 200 and 2000 over the course of a nirmal day.
The whole area of inaccuratr testing in the area of AIDS and AIDS related conditions has accounted for manynpeople being incorrecy diagnised as HIV positive such as in Africa where is a supposed epidemic.
Once diagnized patients are then initiated Ontario courses if highly toxic drugs such as AZT, DDI and Septrin many of the side effects ofnwhich are the self same symptoms as this effects AIDS.
From the book Dead Men Talking by Commander X
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