Sunday, November 20, 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Vaccines Injuries
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Canadian Podcasts 2022
Liberty Dispatch ~ November 1, 2022
On this episode of Liberty Dispatch, hosts Andrew and Matty do a pandemic response postmortem. As the data continue to come to light the devastating effects of the various lockdowns and mandates are revealed with greater clarity. The question is do we seek COVID amnesty or accountability?
"Let's Declare Pandemic Amnesty" | The Atlantic:
[Segment 1] - Various sources reveal alarming growth in excess deaths among young adults:
[Segment 2] - "Sudden death" toll for young, healthy Canadian doctors is up to 80:
[Segment 3] - Health Canada begins pushing it's climate change health crisis fear propaganda:
Monday, October 31, 2022
Native Americans
Robinson-Huron Treaty Signed on September 9, 1850 Treaty #61
Williams Treaties Signed on October 31, 1923 and November 15, 1923
James Bay Treaty Signed on 1905-1906 Treaty #9
Manitoulin Island Treaty Signed on October 6, 1862 Treaty #94
Treaty of Manitowaning Signed on August 9, 1836 Treaty #45
London Township Purchase
Treaty 6
Treaty 6, or the London Township Purchase, was signed on September 7, 1796, by representatives of the Crown and certain Anishinaabe peoples. The territory described in the written treaty is approximately 30 km².
Some of the treaty payments included calico and serge cloths, cooking implements, rifles and flint, and vermillion.
Current communities in the area include the city of London.
Images of the London Township Purchase
Transcript of the London Township Purchase
Chiefs who signed were presented with the Queen Victoria medal. Many of the written treaty terms resemble the written terms of Treaty 3 and Treaty 9, including individual annuity payments and a formula for determining each First Nation’s reserve lands.
Sandy Lake First Nation entered into Treaty 5 in 1910, but their current reserve is located in the territory covered by the Treaty 9 Adhesion.
More information about Treaty 5
Treaty 9 Adhesion
The adhesion to Treaty 9 was signed in 1929 and 1930 by representatives of certain Cree and Anishinaabe peoples and representatives of the Crown. The adhesion to Treaty 9 extends from the Albany River to Hudson Bay.
After the adhesion, Treaty 9 became the largest treaty area in Ontario.
Current communities in the area include over 20 First Nations and the town of Pickle Lake.
Transcript of Treaty 9 Adhesion
Treaty 35
Treaty 35 was signed on August 13, 1833, by representatives of the Crown and the Huron-Wendat.
In the mid-seventeenth century, the Huron-Wendat were displaced from the territory between Lake Ontario, Lake Simcoe, and Georgian Bay after wars with other Indigenous peoples. Some Huron-Wendat moved to Lorette, near Quebec City. Others moved to the west and the south, including this treaty area.
Current communities in the area include LaSalle and Amherstburg.
More information about the Huron-Wendat
Treaty 82
Treaty 82 was signed on February 9, 1857, by representatives of the Crown and certain Anishinaabe peoples. The territory described in the written Treaty is approximately 4,000 hectares, and covers a strip of land north of the contemporary community of Owen Sound.
The representatives of the Chippewas of Newash signed with their clan or "totem" signature.
Notable signatories to this treaty include R.T. Pennefather, Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, and Rev. Peter Jones, a Mississauga chief, author, and Methodist missionary who translated the Bible into Anishinaabemowin.
Current communities in the area include Kemble.
Treaty of Manitowaning
Treaty 45
Treaty 45, or the Manitoulin Island Treaty, was signed on August 9, 1836, by representatives of Upper Canada and certain Anishinaabe peoples. The territory described in the written Treaty covers most of Manitoulin Island and the islands along the north shore of Lake Huron.
Archaeological records provide evidence that Indigenous people lived on Manitoulin Island from 9,000 B.C.E. In 1836, the island became home to many more Indigenous peoples, some of whom had moved from other places in Upper Canada.
Current communities in the territory described by the written Treaty include Little Current and Manitowaning.
Williams Treaties
The Williams Treaties were signed on October 31 and November 15, 1923, by seven Anishinaabe First Nations and representatives of the Crown. A commission was established by Canada and led by Treaty Commissioner A.S. Williams to address lands that had not been surrendered via treaty.
The territory covered by the Williams Treaties stretched from the northern shore of Lake Ontario to Lake Nipissing, and together cover approximately 52,000 km². The geography of the Treaties overlaps with several previous treaties.
Current communities in the area include Huntsville and Bracebridge.
Images of the October signing of the Williams Treaties
Transcript of the October signing of the Williams Treaties
Images of the November signing of the Williams Treaties
Transcript of the November signing of the Williams Treaties
Reserves in Ontario
A reserve is an area of land set aside by the federal government for the use and benefit of a First Nation. You can find a full list of reserves in Ontario on the federal government website.
This interactive map was designed for illustrative purposes for educators, students, researchers and the general public to gain a sense of Ontario’s treaty history. Treaties and the treaty relationship are more than what is recorded in historical maps. This map and all accompanying materials are not intended to be a complete source of treaty history and do not replace engagement with local Indigenous peoples.
This map does not purport to reflect actual treaty boundaries and is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is not intended to reflect the position of Ontario nor to constitute any admission or limit Ontario’s rights in any way, and should not be relied on to assess legal rights.
A map of the Provisional Algonquin Settlement Area is available on the Algonquin Land Claim page.
This map was created with data used under license from Geobase, Geogratis, the Ontario Realty Corporation, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, and Members of the Ontario Geospatial Data exchange and data held by the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation. The treaty boundaries illustrated for Treaty 3, 1873, Treaty 5, 1875 and Treaty 94, 1862 are those shown on the First Nations and Treaties map produced by the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada. The treaty boundaries illustrated for areas outside of Ontario are those shown on the Pre-1975 Treaties map produced by the Government of Canada. The remaining treaty boundaries illustrated are based on James L. Morris, Indians of Ontario (Toronto: Dept. of Lands and Forests, 1943).
Converting these maps into a digital map may have resulted in unintentional deviations. For example, Google Maps shows more geographic detail than the printed maps. The Government of Ontario and its ministers, agents and employees disclaim all responsibility for any errors, omissions and inaccuracies in any of these maps, accompanying materials or external links.
Toronto Water
COVID-19: Wastewater Surveillance
Toronto Public Health (TPH) monitors COVID-19 activity in the community using a number of different data sources. With recent changes to the provincial testing strategy, TPH has been reviewing the use of additional sources of data to better understand the changes in COVID-19 activity. Wastewater surveillance involves testing for the virus in wastewater and looking at changes over time, helping us understand the true presence of COVID-19 in a community regardless of the testing strategy that is in place.
Ontario’s wastewater surveillance initiative is coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). Ryerson University and University of Toronto complete laboratory analyses on wastewater samples collected by the City of Toronto.
This report is generated by MECP. This page is updated weekly on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. Technical notes for this report prepared by MECP are available .
While we aim to provide fully accessible content, there is no text alternative available for some of the content on this site. If you require alternate formats or need assistance understanding our maps, drawings, or any other content, please contact us at
Access the COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Report (we recommend that you refresh the page to ensure that you are viewing the latest report).
As of December 31, 2021, the number of COVID-19 cases being reported is an underestimate of the true number of people with COVID-19 in Toronto due to provincial changes in testing eligibility
The majority of Toronto’s wastewater is treated at four wastewater treatment plants located across the city: Ashbridges Bay (covering approximately 48% of Toronto’s population), Humber (24%), Highland Creek (17%), and North Toronto (8%). Peel’s Lakeview treatment plant covers the remaining approximately 3% of Toronto’s population.
Wastewater sampling occurs in the four wastewater treatment plants in Toronto 3-5 times per week. These four treatment plants have large sewersheds that cover approximately 97% of Toronto’s population. Data for Peel’s Lakeview treatment plant are not included in our dashboard.
2022 Facts
Died Suddenly
Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term “Died Suddenly” has risen to the very top of “most searched” Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you, “Watch The Water”, and “These Little Ones” travels around the world to find answers, and tell the stories, of those who Died Suddenly.
Why is Bill Gates involved in this?
12.sigma event 800 years standard deviation event.
This is a new for. Of warfare.
Watch the water
Saturday, October 29, 2022
It links to Rockefeller empire is evident when Henry Wellcome appointed John and Allen Dules if Sulluvan and Cromwell as a law firm responsible to his own company and hisnown will.
When Henry Wellcome dies in 1936 the Welcome Trust Fundation was set up and a Welcome trust was set up in connection with Welcome Fundation and become the largest funder if medical research in Europe.
In the la 50 Wellcome took over the running aspects of Rockefeller Funded Lindon University College Hospital medical school and their joint interests in tropical illness research via London School of Hygiene and Tripicam Medicine.
Iver following decades Welcom.w pursue several aspects of pharmaceutical healthcare with interests in iver the counter remedies. Antiviral animal healthcare genetic engineering and biotechnology.
It strengthneded its connection with the government the media medical.qcademia and various cimiteea and Association thatbwere set up tonregulate and control all.aspects of scientific medicalnresearch and edu education.
AZT marketer by Wellcome as Retrovir had been developed in the 60 as drug to treat cancer but it had been proven to be highly toxic as well as ineffective as itnappeared unable to distinguish between cancerous and healthy cells.
However it appeared to show some anti vital properties which is why after being shelved in the 69th was re tested fir use and treatment of AIDS in the 1980s.
Human and clinical drug trials take place in 2 parts following useless animal testing. Phase 1 toxicity phase 2 concentrated on long time side case of AZT phase 2 was halted after 4 months and the drug was granted a licence despite the fact that the patients in the trial were given regular blood transfusions to alleviate thebpossible side effects. The profit of Wellcome were L1132 millions lires in 4 years
AZT was.licensed in UK without any clinical.trials four weeks before it was licensed in US. 25 of the Medicine Commission were parliamentary advisor on Medicine and 5 had interests in Wellcome.
Within a short time AZT was licensed in 35 countries.
Wellcome's influence media and the government continue with its donation if L10,000
. They began the tests on asymptomatic HIV positive patients.
Then they began to attack alternative treatment or anyone challenging HIV AIDS hypothesis.
Welcome bribed British Medical Association with L150,000
The tests are based in a faulty test Elisa test which show up HIV positive status. The tests is sinfaulty that false positive results can occur.
The patients monitor T-Cells.A significant T cells.drop many clinics is the indicator that a drugbterapy should be commenced.
However using TCell count for a healthy person is useless since the average TCells count for a healthy person vary between 200 and 2000 over the course of a nirmal day.
The whole area of inaccuratr testing in the area of AIDS and AIDS related conditions has accounted for manynpeople being incorrecy diagnised as HIV positive such as in Africa where is a supposed epidemic.
Once diagnized patients are then initiated Ontario courses if highly toxic drugs such as AZT, DDI and Septrin many of the side effects ofnwhich are the self same symptoms as this effects AIDS.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Mind Control
By ridiculung any spiritual interpretation of life and mobizing the forces of cinventional science the self proclaimed elites have convinced the publicnof non existence of psychic higher levels so it is easy ti keep hidden the technology which manipulated manipulated these levels.
Mass hypnosis is possible by repetition of basic theme until it is accepted as fact by the subcontractors and then conscious mind.
Such messages can be flashed during T.V programs or files and are not perceive by the eyes and the conscious mind.
Alternatively the mesmerising and sedating effect of television puts the subcontractors mind into an ideal state to receive messages set to the psyche via carrier t.v./radio waves.
It is understood by so called self appointed elites how by broadcasting at certain frequencies non physical magnetic levels can be imbalanced to cause physical emotional and.metal illness.
Technology also exists whereby thoughts can be inducted by stimulating brainwaves.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Report from Iron Mountain
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Food Control
According to UN estimates 75% of genetic diversity in agricultural crops has been lost this century and in England 1500 unapproved seeds varieties have been withdrawn.
This situation now is that instead of using native seeds varieties, Third World countries
must pay royalties to the multinational companies for genetically engineered seeds, which have been distributed and chemically produced by the same corporations and which are useless in the third world environment.
As a result the same people that control the actual food that we can eat 90% of all food trade is in the hands of five multinationals: 50% are controlled by Unilever (who's chairman Paul Rykens was the hearth of the formation of Bilderberg Group) and nestle alone.
From the book "Dead Men Talking"
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Corey Goode Experiences with Inner Earth People Ships and Creatures
Monday, October 10, 2022
Tesla.Harp Chemtrails Cloverleaf Project
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Electric Car Zero Point Energy and Tesla
Tesla was also left with the impression that the unknown voices favored this outcome and may have actually hurries the process aling by encouraging the development of internal combustion engines.
Teskanmay have been the first Human to learn about what is referred today as Glibal Warming and the Greenhouse Effect.
Tesla convinced that the voices he received were from a hostile extraterrestrial source, began a concerted effort to develop a means of power that did not use the burning of wood and fosilnfuels an energy source that was cleanand unlimited and would prevent pollutants at least man made, from filling the atmosphere and causing the retention of heat from the Sun.
Tesla was the first to become awareness ine of the most controversial subjects in conspiratorial circles today Alternative Three and the destruction of Earth.
In 1931, under the finance of Pierce Arrow and George Westinghouse a car named Pierce Arrow was selected for tests at the factory grounds in Buffalo New York.
The standard internal combustion engine was removed and a 80 HP 1800 RPM electric motor was the clutch and the transmission. The AC motor measured 49 inches ling and 30 inches in diameter and the power leads were left standing in the air. He then went ot a local radio store and purchases a handful of tunes, wires and assorted resistors. A box.measuring 24 inches lo g 12 inches wide and 6 inches height was assembled housing the circuit.
Then the box eas placed in the front seat and the wires connected to the Ir cooler brushless motor. Two rods 1/4 in diameter stuck out of the box about 3" in length.
Mr Trsla got into driver's seat pushed two rods in and stated "We now have power". He put the car I to gear ND it moved forward.
This vehicle powered by an AC motor was driven to speeds of 99 mph and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day.
One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported the test.
Whe asked where the power came from Tesla replies "From the Ether all around us."
Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and somehow in league with sinister forces of the Universe. He became incensed, quickly removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in Ne York City. His secret apparently died with him.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
1931 Tesla Harnesed the Cosmic Rays
Tesla claiimed the invention wad an electri al generator that would not onsyme any fuel such generator would be its own prime mover.
Free energy inventions are devices that can tap a seemingly unlimited supply of energy from the universe withiuth burning any kind of fuel creating the perfect solution for the worldwide energy crisis. And associated pollution degradation and depletion of the environment.
Most free energy devices probably do not create energy but tap into existing natural energy sources by various forms of induction.
Unlike solar or wind devices free energy devices need little or no energy storage capacity because they can tap as much energy as needed when needed.
Properly designed free energy devices do not have any limitations.
In the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper Tesla announced on July 10, 1931 that " I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cismicnrays and I can now state that I have succeeded.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Chemtrails Coordinate prin Satelit
Monday, October 3, 2022
A quiet mind has the opportunity for experiencing itself as live that is timeless etherbal and unseparated by our bodies.
Although we caanot always control the events around us we do have thenpower over how we experience those events.
At any moment we can individually and collectively affect the course of our lives by choosing to direct our attention to the aspect of ourselves that is aware and trough the practice of self inquiry to awareness itself.
We can ask Who is aware? and the Who wants to know?
The choice of where we put our attention is ultimately our most powerful freedom. Our choice of attitude and ficus affects not only our iwn perception and experiences but also the experiences and behaviors of others.
Wisdom teachers have presented worldwide to those who will listen the technique "sit down and be quiet" a practice that is available for all to observe and experience.
Interpretative Introduction by Russell Targ and Jane Katra.
Quantum Physics
Consciousness particles teleport themselves instantaneously.
Consciousness knows no such thing as time. It is not a prisonier to a point in time. There are no barriers to Consciousness. It is not restricted to one body. All are one.
Crop Circles and Anunnaki
Nibiru is their artificial planet cicling the Sun initially in an elliptical trajectory of approximately 3600 earth years. Later the trajectory became inconsistent.
Over millions of years they evolved into cyborgs and left Earth as ordered by Star Elder Council to live on their artificial planet Nibiru.
Ancient Sumerian texts mention an orbiting cycle of 3600 years, but this was only what was originally prescribed and agreed upon in their mission to watch over the solar system.
They have since operated their planet size ship aling an irregular, unpredictable course as it pleases their domination agenda.
They later hybridized with reprilians like the Rakshasas inheriting much of their characteristics like shape shifting. Other are represented in endless depictions and described en endless records.
They have been ruling your institutions and governments through an elite put in place and un charge by a covert network of secret occult orders infiltrated in of societies.
Ancient mythology tells how Seti or Seth or Satan murdered his father Ausar or Osiris ripped
off yhe eye if his brother Heru or Horus, rhe heavenly messenger. He out the evil eye on top of the pyramidal hierarchy , established a reign of terror, lies deceptions and cicealing the truth, through secret occult sicieties.
Thus us whe the stargates were hijacked and used by conquering forces.
Ancient mitologies recall recurring vastness between benevolent and.malevolwnt forces ears between Anu and Enku and Enkil.and Masduk
For Greeks the Olympians gods purged the Earth from the rule of titans and cast them to Underworlds.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Levels of Civilization
Even on what you call the Kardashev scale a clasificarion of civilizations by their levels, Humanity has notnreaches the definition of the civilization of thenfirst level that can harnessed the full energetic potential of its planet.
On that scale, the second level describes a civilization that can use the energy of its star, while the third level defines one that can use the energy potential of its Galaxy.
Yet this vision is still limited to a very materialostic point of view without involving any of the spiritual evolution, nor the knowledge of interdimensionality that are required.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messages received and written by Sunbow edited and designed by Kelly Lapseritis
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Extremely Ancient History and Exo Politics
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis
The ancient hybrids of different species were implanted on Earth long before humanity have kept living or visiting the early environment and influencing it.
The first ones were the Elementals have been knows as the nature spiruts and have kept their spiritual.mission encouraging biodiversity development.
Sasquatch people have kept good relatiins with Elementals often meeting them. They can appear and travel in the shape of light orbs.
Their ancestors came form a neighboring Galaxy named Andromeda. They are only few inches tall in this dimensional plane.
Their skulks are large and round resembling helmets their intergalactic Journeys happen aboard huge intergalactic mothers hips, caryingbfleets of smaller orb ships or colored lights used for travel on a planetary scale. They.are generally kind and playful.
Their tiny mummies were uncovered in the Atacand Desert inn Nevada and Ireland.
The Elementals keept transcending physical bodies maintaining their interdimensionality.
1. The Fish Peoples range from simple animal instinctive consciousness to advanced civilization. They live at the bottom of lakes, seas in oceans in underwater or flooded caves theybare named Mer Peoples or Amphibians creatures. They are alive today in Algonquin reserve Or Maniwaki.the Native tribes knowing them usually avoid all contacts.
The 8nsect people have been on this planet long before humans. They dug the most intricate network of caves and runels for the Underworld.
Underground cities or networks of tunnels have been found all.across Europe, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, The Middle East, India China the Andes, The Southwestern United States, Mexico, under cities like Paris, Rome, London, Washington or Los Angeles.
Advanced technologies discovered in deep caves cUsed the invasion of Tibet, Iraq, and Afganistan.Crimea met the same destiny when Underground pyramids dated millions of years were found in which at least one mummy of a reptilian king was discovered.
Under Los Angeles an Underground city was discovered in 1947 identified as built by Lizard People until the entrances were sealed and the discoveries silenced.
Underwater bases were spotted of the coast of Los Angeles explaining many accounts
of flying ships emerging from the ocean there, among which the well-documented case if the battle of Los Angeles in 1942, when the US Army engaged and fired on a large saucer shaped craft for six hours without affecting it in any visible way.
There are dozens of well.documented cases in which human military forces attacked unidentified flying crafts only to be met with superior weaponry or outpaced speed.
There are also several documented incidents in which space crafts hovered or flew above military bases, nuclear installations or power plants, and took over the command or blacked out the power, to show how their technology surpasses all human know levels.
If the purpose was to conquer humanity with this technological advance, it would have been easily done long time ago.
Since thousands of years, rhe hybrid bloodlines if human rulling elite have been put and kept in power by their alien masters, providing them just enough technology to keep control over this home planet.
Sftrr the main body of the Nazo occult elite was repatriated to America to work on top secret Space Programs there was a wave of flying crafts observed.
While some.were the same ships that have been flying for ages, others were the first Human Built prototypes of anti-gravity crafts raising concern among star faring species.
By the end of 1946 the operation high jump under Admiral Byrd did not go to Antarctica to attack kna secret Nazi base as said while the Nazi Elite was hired in the United States. It's mission was a rather desperate attempt in conquering an Underground base of the so called Nordic where Nazi have been taken and taught. The expedition was a complete failure. Rhe entire fleet could have been destroyed easily but were sent back andnwarned never to return. This is why the whole enterprise was erased from history.
In 1947 the famous Roswel incident happened as the result of microwave radar technology being developed with the Nazi scientists at the White Sand Military secret base. Which caused the crash of the flying disk.
Rhe alien being recovered were described as small greys.
New Deep Underground Military Bases like Area 51 or Dulce Base started to be built tonstudy the captives their biology, psychic power and technology..
There was inly ine of a series of spaceships that were crashed by United States Russia and China to try to back engineer their technology. Most of them were of the same type of the small greys, their ship being vulnerable to the gigabyte death rays that were developed and tested on alien space crafts.
Until.then the smallmgrays stated outside of human affairs without interfering in Earthy realms apart from flying between their Underworld and moon bases.
Thus wave of crashes caused concern among them and their Allies tall greys.
By then the smallmgreys abducted by human governments and kept captive in top secret underground bases had proven their psychic superiority and managed to negotiate meetings between their leaders and their human governments secretly abducting them.
This is how after a series of meetings held in deepest secrecy some United States government agencies under Eisenhower signed in 1954 Greada Treaty A code name for Grey Agenda in which they agreed to surrender a large part of Human Sovereignty on Earth un exchange for some technological advancement and advantages.
Grey Agends involves among other things:
1. Plans for ecocide and mass deportation to make room on Earth for the ancient hybrids that have lost control over this home planet.
2. Mind cintrok of the Masses through ignorance and desinformation.
3. Gradual and continual pollution of the environments and atmosphere raising the carbon level in the air as it used to be aeons in the past.
4. Poisoning of food and water supplies through chemical additions.
5.Genetic modification, spraying of chemtrails with toxic cocktails and nanobots affecting Humans and all biological life but not ancient t hybrids or their cyborgs robots.
6. The to gain back power over Earth with the ten percent of humans serving them.
7. The Greada Treaty also holds responsible the human governments for.preventing any disclosure of information about extraterrestrial or nonhuman intelligence by the creation of fake research commissions producing false reports such as Project Blue Book which was meant to deny, explain away accounts sightings and whiteness.
8. A global secret psychic police corps operated by the greys themselves and known as Men in Black started appearing in mid fifties to intimidate and threaten whiteness disclosing UFO.
The name Grey does not apply for a ski color but rather for the color if their aura which carry many heavy karmic loads and old wounds.
In the 1940 the unconscious power hungry human governments threw the first stone, engaged in hostilities forcing small greys who has survived several near extinction before to require help.from their powerful Allies tall greys.
As a result it brought the submission of human societies into a harsher slavery than ever speeding up rhe comming of a global tyrany attempting to deprive humanity of its spiritual sovereinity.
After surviving many attles and losses in the Underworld at the hands of reptilian lords the Ant People migrated in mass to the Moon which ended up being destroyed.
They proceded in rebuilding a replica of the moon the one we see now. Theyncoated the engineered Hollow moon with thick layers of silica that absorb helium 3 from Sun radiation which they mine and use to propel their silvery disks hat shaped crafts with nuclear fusion as they originally used to do on the first moon.
Their Lunar bases and ships have been fhotographed by NASA.
Through top secret (criminal- my comment) agreements and programs humans are taken there for experiments.
On and in the artifical how moon they devised a slave breed of biosynthetic cyborgs, silic based life forms of gender less clones easily reproducible at a fast rate and in large scale. They have invulnerable immune system no restrictive survival needs or instincts.
These cline are generally known as small greys. They have survived chemical, bacteriological, nuclear and genetic warfare in the Underworld. They obey to a hierarchy of diverse insect people with the Mantis type at their head.
They are submitted to Draconian reptoid interstellar Empire's but are local species.
Reptilian Hybrids later colonized and inhabited this home planet for aeons.
Human ancestors came from the sky on flying ships described as shields, islands boats, turtles, thunderbird, winged serpents, dragons, gems, eggs, clowds, or other ships.
Ancient cultures have kept their memories of battles opposing demins. Depictions of space ships can be found in ancient art
Ancient t traditions recall intergalactic battles in which human ancestors were involved in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Humanity can free itself from old karmic entanglements and bindage slowing down its spiritual evolution by working out peace agreements with all.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Greada Treaty
The alien being recovered were described as small greys.
New Deep Underground Military Bases like the Area 51 ornthe Dulce Base started to be built to study the captives their biology psychic power and technology.
Us Russia and China crashed and recovered a series of spaceships to try to back-engineere their technology.
Until then the small greys had stayed outside if human affairs without interfering in human realms appart from flying from Underworld and moon bases.
Theybstarted having concerns among them and they reptilian talk freys about humanity space conquest.
Small greys abducted human governments and kept captu e in top secret underground bases, and proved their psychic abilities managing to negotiate meetings between their leaders and human governments.
After a series of.meetings US agencies under Eisenhower signed in 2964 the Greada Treaty
A code name for Grey Agenda in which they agreed to surrender a large part of suveranity on earth in exchange for somen technolov.
The Grey agenda include:
1 plans for ecocide
2. Deportation to make room on earth for the ancient hybrids that have lost control iover this home planet.
3.mind control of rhe masses through ignorance and desinformation.
4. Gradual and continual pollution of the environment and atmosphere raising the carbon level in the air as used to e aeons in the past.
5 poisoning the food and the water supplies through chemical additions.
6. Genetic modifications
7. Spraying of chemtrails with toxic cocktails and nanobots affecting humans and all biological life ut not the ancient t hybrids and their cyborgs.
8. The goal is to gain back power over Earth with 10% of Human serving them.
9.the Grenada Treaty also holds responsible the Human governments for preventing any disclose of information about extraterrestrial or on human intelligence, y the creation of fake research commissions such as Project Blue Book which was meant only to deny and ridicule records or witnesses.
The Treaty also stipulates that human governments must submit to a global dictatorship ruled by talk reptilian greys that must be kept in total secrecy until the time is deemed to ripe openly the tyrany.
A global secret psychic police corps, operated by the Grey themselves and known as Men in Black started appearing in mid fifties to threaten whiteness disclosing their UFO experiences .
The name greys does not apply for rhebskin color but rather the color of their auras which carry many heavy karmic loads.
Huma governments threw the first stone and engaged in hostilities forcing small greys who had survived se real near extinction before, to require help.from the tall greys.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis
Ancient Transportation Devices Exposed at the MET Metropolitan Museum Of Art New York
A collection of ancient artifacts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art show people riding dinosaurs like animals and interesting devices without animal traction nut with a exhaust like wagon.
we observe the eyes of the figurines have an elongated shape.
we also observe elongated skulls and dog like faces.
How old can these be?