Thursday, October 26, 2023
Monday, October 23, 2023
Week Review of Blogs and Videos October 2023
To ensure the proper frame of mind start each day with this mental exercise that will fill you with the proper energy.
1. Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes.
2. Visualize a beam of bright white pure light coming down from heaven and hitting the tip of your head. This is the light of ultimate creation and life.
3. Visualize this beam of cleansing light spreading throughout the entire body.
4. You are now charged with the Universal spirit and ready to go.
Follow your heart and rekindle the flame which will lead you to success beyond your dreams.
Cuneiform Letters
Artificial Canals
Underground Railway to Canada
Pan American Exposition 1901
1812 Burning of the City by English People
Steel Factory
Seneca Nation History
The mind has no specific location.
Sekf and brain are not synonimus.
Forgotten Knowledge by Liliana Usvat
Buffalo AKG Art Museum
Library of Exceptional E-books
2,400 ebooks for only
Library of Ashurbanipal at Ninive present Mosul Irak
Old Babylonian Language
Cuneiform script
British Museum London
Anunnaki left from the Middle East and Lake Titicaca in the present Peru
Zodiacal ages
Buffalo Pan American Exposition 1901
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Covid 19 Vaccine
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Morning Exercise
To ensure the proper frame of mind
start each day with this
mental exercise that will fill you with the proper energies.
1. Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes.
2. Visualize a beam of bright white pure
light coming down from heaven and hitting the tip of your head. This is
the light of ultimate creation and live.
3. Visualize this beam of cleansing light spreading throughout the entire body.
4. You are now charged with the Universal spirit and ready to go.
Follow your heart and rekindle the flame which will lead you to success beyond your dreams.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Corporatocracy and Electronic Control of Population
Dumbing down the populatuonto make them more servile more obedient more docile enforced by an electronic media that has never been duplicated in known history.
People.just din't have chance to develop
We are dumbed down and our lives are now being shortened. We are being poisoned. Monsanto is using genetically modified foods.
And we have an extremely bad reputation .
We don't seem to know how-to be friendly with each other or with other countries.
People have the birthright to know that we are not alone and the governments continues to cling to power to the great detriment of everybody.
Nordics are helping Americans via Nort America Aviation to join the Gallaxy in commercial side but this company uses slave labor. And that is wrong. They are mining on Mars and sell it to other star nations.
They considered American a fascist corporaticracy .
Who is Mining on Mars?
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
They had History Labs. About 30 fo them. Theybare funded to study all aspects of the history of the planet.
They realized the level of incorrect information that the universities, the colleges the schools and even the medical schools are using because the Extraterratrials have created our history. And it us totally different tha what out books say it is.
The people at TRW history labs arentying to establish what the history really was using time lines to accomplish this in reverse.
They found is that there were other civilizations on the planet thousands of years ago. There have been other floods besides Noah's flood. And rhere have been other earthquakes or pole shifts.
The study of historybcame up with total rewriting of virtually everything related to what we have been taught.
The study concluded that our history is a total lie. This study continues at Northrop (this is a company).
Other conclusion we have been fed lies by Extraterratrials. Even in engineered are using standards that are childish for everything. The real number is that we are using 2.2% of the brain matter while the extraterratrial are using 100% thise thatbhave roughly the same size of brain matter.
Why? The extraterratrial drop five gases onnthe industrial areas of the planet a number of times per month.
Mr. Tompkins had a picture of the five reptilian tankers dropping 5 gases onnOrange and San Diego County at 300 feet. That is very low.
We are inside their laboratory. These tankers are several sizes some are 150nfeet long. They are a very strange shape for a supersonic vehicle. They comenfrom a mothership. They come down like a landing craft.
They come down at a low altitude not because theybare afraid they are going to be seen but because they want the gases to be distributed close to the people. Theybare flying through canions.
The top surface has five glass like roofs on the too of the sort of streamlined semi bullet shaped vehicle.the vehicle has no wings, the side of it are perforated.
There are 5 color s if gases coming out.
They come down and rhey throw gases around specific areas in the planet. They are listening to everything people are saying.
Some gases that are dropped are our own US Air Forcebbut others are extraterratrials.
The et craft driving gases was taken at Carlsbad California. The photography was analyzed at Northroo Grumman . The gases they drop dissipate they don't want to leave any clowd or anything visible.
The squadron leader of the particular gas drop forgot to turn on the stealth that would prevent the camera from photographing them. They are here every single day. But they have their stealth (invisibility device) turned on.
These tankers came from mothership. Some of them are 700 feel long
These mothership are in orbit above the planet surface in near space. Some people have said are Mike's across. Some of them are 20 miles.
These eople aren't answerable to any law. We at this point don't have the ability to stop these guys from doing it.
Theybare also using Frequencies in the technical areas on the planet where we can make technical advances in medicine space communications and they want to make sure we do not make these technical advances.
They are retarding our programs to keep us restrained.
Rhere should be more good gyus helping us and not allowing these insects and dracos and other people's to accomplish their missions.
TRW goes back in their history study through many different civilizations on this planet which got us into this problem.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Drilling Machines and Extraterestrials in Caverns Mind Control
During drilling they run I ti massive caverns. Some caverns were actually occupied.
So they had to back off close the operation and take s different direction. The biring machine had reverse direction and they went around the cavern
In other areas of biring US Airfirce that owned the biring machines run I to tunels.
Several different extraterestrial operations have been using these caverns for thousands if years on the planet.
When you penetrate into their area they did get warning gs to stop before they broke through, and sometimes they did broke through.
And they found that into the tunels and in the caverns there were 3 or t types if extraterestrials there and in some cases there were American scientists and engineers working with them. In some cases they were violently driven out in other cases they were allowed to come in.
There are underground tunels in west Virginia. And there were plans to set up an government in case the existing government was wiped out.
Around 100 alien races are interacting I these caverns and tunnels.
These different types of extraterestrial entities have the capability to play with our brains and prevent us from seeing them
And these people can come here walk all over our planet do whatever they want and telepathically get us through mind control do what they want us to do their agendas.
And this is an area that we really need to work on.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Extraterratrials and Reverse Engineering of ET Crafts
This was the open literature in 1950. After describing how easy was to do that it was no follow up on the subject.
At that time the underground tunelling went into the back world hidden from public scrutiny.
Naval personel and some of the extraterratrials work together. A facility at lake Tahoe was used since 1943-1944 for testing.
Rocketing was one of the place William Tompkins worked and raised company wah heavily involved in reviewing and trying to copy extraterratrial materials thatbwere in three vehicles tvatbcrashed at Roswell. That is reverse engineering. His brother in law was manager of the electronics there. This took place in the 80'.
This company was interested in UFO sitings.
Theybhad the classified meetings at Medford Airport. Outside Medford airport was a Navy research facility. That facility was for training peoples.They recruited children and students in that area.
During summer time they had picnic with students and the human looking extraterratrials came over and started talking with children giving them technical briefings. That was in the Oregon Washington area.
The students were told never to tell their parents or family what they were doing.
This was an educational program for the students run by extraterratrials.
But the chief's daughter was the first one that finally told her father, the father told the captain and to Mr Tompkins and they had an investigation on the whole thing.
They used a holographic type of presentation to do their demonstrations. And this floated. It was interesting what was going on at Medford.
The test facilities for the space shipsnare in underground facilities.
The Military Industrial Complex built space carriers satellites and small ships that will support Solar Warden.
The navy space group are operating out in the galaxy but now only one of them (so there are more than one group ) is operating in the solar system. All the rest of them are outside and they have been and they may now be at war with other extraterrestrials.
There are continuing ward that are going right now between other extraterratrial civilizations. Whether it's to take iver a part of the Earth and operate it or whether it's to take the whole earth and operate it.
Thompkins source tell him that there are dozens of other wars between different civilization' people out there and some of which battke in our own atmosphere. Some of Extraterratrials fight on California sky in 2015. In that year there were 4 other battles between extraterrestrials on different part of the planet. Solar Waeden might have been observing it.
William Thomkins was selected by the Nordics in 1942 and assigned by the Navy intelligence because of his remarkable memory skills. B
He was exposed to the Navy knowledge of Hitler UFO program.
After tge war he began working in a think tank at Douglas Aircraft Company cor an aerospace executive Elmer Wheaton and with Naval Intelligence to offer creative sugestions and designs for huge Naval spacecraft carriers.
The editor of the Book Bob Wood was employed at the same company in the same time and knew some of the same company leaders.
The Nordicnsecretaries Bill. As given may have used their psychic powers to keep NASS on the right track for an effective Apollo program and to begin the covert Naval exploration of the galaxy.
US Navy were behind all this .
Tompkins was involved in tunel lingerie rhe Earth. They are all over the western states and Antarctica.
Some of the extraterratrials have the capability to dig these tunels with their big boring machines. Theybare 59 feet in diameter and they operate these on rails.
When the tunel is finish the machine takes the ground material plain rock or dirt and convert it into glass like elastic material. All these material is used to fill up the crevices and it then lines the tunel with a type of material that produces light.
Their machine not air Force's does this ar forty miles an hour.
The planet has caverns all under land under lakes and oceans all over the planet.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Apollo and Nova Program
Apollo program was the result of Nova
Program. The Novas were cone shaped vertical ships which are about 40
times the size of Apollo.
These answered then built as
trucks to haul equipment up because phase one-way to go to the Moon and
look around. Phase 2 was ți built a 20,000 man Naval base on the Moon
which is a research facility. And phase 3 was to go to all habitable
planets of the solar system and or their Moon to put Naval stations on
them. And then the next step was to go to the next 12 closest star
systems and do the same on their planets.
2 years before the Apollo we already photographed the back side of the Moon.
When Apollo got to the Moon
Reptilians told humans that they were allowed to funishb3 or 4 missions
take some rocks and get out and never to return.
There was a Think Tank at Rand
corporation RAND means Research and Development and William Tompkins was
hired to work draftsman. He designed an 11 km long ship like a
German Transport which would be used by the United States to take
people off the planet. The propulsion was anti gravitational.
We had that since 1940. Germans had that first.
During that time Tompkins worked
with two human looking extraterrestrial girls that was going to redo the
entire program. These girls never aged. They deny being extraterrestrial.
from Selected By Extraterrestrials Volume 3 By William Mills Tompkins
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Tesla and Electricity
Tesla had in his old laboratories on Soith Main street now West Broadway in New York lights that could be picked up and placed in anybpositiin anywhere in the laboratory, wherever light happen to be needed at the moment. His light were merely glass tunes free from wires abd wall fixture.
So the inventor firnmanybyears enjoyed thenfruits of his own inventions. While the public has paid and paid the pipers whenever pipe for more money profits from their outmoded merchandise.
The Tesla wireless method for electrical distribution is a gift which the world might have utilized in the past half century had the public demanded it.
But an uninformed public is a silent public. The public gets its information largely from the newspapers magazines, radio and TV. These sources are in turn controlled and censored bybrheir advertisers and government secret-guarders.
This conditioned public then dictates to its teachers and its preachers, telling them what to teach.
When Tesla explained to J.P.Morgan his wireless system he was told off. The money baron dismissed the whole subject as impractical because there would be no way of making money of the people if theboeople could have as much electricity as the wished by merely putting up a little antenna on their roof homes or factories or office buildings.
Morgan reminded Tesla that under the present system the manufacturers of wires, pokes and electrical installation equipment of all kinds could make a fortune and in addition the electricity could be mettered and everybody could be charged for every kilowatt they used.
At his 80-th birtday Tesla said that the system is there waiting to be used with complete success if needed.
It cLks for a small antebbabdevuce to be attached atop every hoise office building shop and factory. This device will enable thebiccupants of the building to have all the electricity they need withometers or wirings.
The antenanwill puck up a beamed supply of current just as a radii picks up a bròadcasted program.
Inside the home or building the electrical service units such as lights irons stoves adding machines typewriters will be freenfrom wires and plus for wall outlets.
The units will pick up the necessary current beamed from the antena.
Tesla Institute was ioened in Belgrade in 1936 in commemoration of Tesla eighteenth birthday. Formal celebration washed throughout the country over a period of one week.
Tesla Institute financed by government and private sources was equipped with a splendid research laboratory and a library. Any bit of information that had any bearing on tesla and his inventions was collected and made available to research students at the institute.
American students have been deprived of any opportunity to learn about Tesla because his name is seldom mentioned in school books, even science text books in the United States, the nation which Teslabhas honored with his citizenship.
During his final years if his earth life Tesla has been aided by $7200 annual honorarium paid to him by the Yugoslavian government.
It is said that often that failure to pay royalties to Teslabproved to be the greatest handicap to scientific and industrial progress which the human race has ever experienced in this globe.
In modern times the United States and all allied nations of the world are wondering why scientific superiority has been list in recent years.
The answer is simple.
.karmic law was set în motion by New York Stste Prison using Tesla's alternating current invention tonelectrocute condemned prisoners. The Karmic debt precipitated. The society supporter American prison authorities in using electricity against humans the society had to suffer through karmic results.
America allowed the Tesla Inventiins to be miss used. It is America that must pay the karmic debt through a decline in scientific achievement.
Soirce : "NIKOLA Tesla: Free Energy & The White Dove" By Commander X
Friday, September 8, 2023
Mass Media Brainwashing
"The CBC stated 'We don't have any evidence that the vaccines cause anything but immunity against covid 19' while at the exact same time, the Canadian government website of 'Reported side effects' listed numerous problems."
~ Rodney PalmerWednesday, September 6, 2023
Tesla's Abilities and Powers
He had only to think of an object and it would appear before him, exhibiting the normal appearance of mass, solidity and dimensions.
He had discussed this matter în confidence with his mother, for He found the ability to be a nuissance rather than an asset and wished to be rid of it.
It seems that his mother possessed the same power and understood it throughly.
But Nikola was still a child and his mother agreednwith him that he should attempt to banish the visions if he wished.
From the occult point of view this was the correct thing to do, for no adult person should influence a child to temperatura with a child efforts to come to griosbwith spiritual realities. This kind of tamperung has priven to be the great curse of churchianity and one of the most dangerous of black magic practices.
A little later Nikola cinfided to his mother that he wished to keep and use the power to envision objects before him, but hat hewished to bring it under complete.control.
Again his mother agreed with him. The power to work in the forth Ether- a physical substance which forms the plane of density just a little finerbthan gas is a power possessed în full by every advanced initiate.
They work also freely în the Third, second and first Ethers with together with the lower four, the physical liquid gazeous and the Fourth Ether form the seven Ether which comprise the entire plane of matter.
Scientists have not worked with the Ether because they could not see them, and it is not generally realized that the dense physical plane is only a comcretized Ether.
There is nothing mysticalabout working în the finger Ether innfact it is a scientific shortcut.
There is actually ninreasin to dig gold out of the earthtgen process it. It is much easier to extract it from the Ether and precioitate it on to the physical plane.
But after the Lazarus came man lost his power to precipitate matter, for he lost the use if the Rays. It was only then that man started digging in the soil and extracting his needs from the lowest plane of matter.
The powers possessed by Tesla to see in the forth Ether, to mold the Etheric substance into machinery and make any necessary adjustments has nothing to do with the Astral plane.
The Astral plane is man made, is filthy matter.Tesla struck right through the Astral plane and had no contact with it. Whe Tesla wanted something he went straight to God.
Tesla was ambidextrous another mark of the Initiate.
Tesla could design build his.machines in Etheric substance making necessary adjustments in the Ether and then leaving them on file in the Ether. After designing a.machine in Etheric substance when he needed the design he could call it up instantly before him complete with exact dimensions.
Tesla soon found that he could learn foreign languages with little of the usual effort. He became proficient in German French and Italian in this e early years.
His father library contained hundreds of fine books and by the time he was 11 years old he had read them all. He had little in common with his school mates and in fact little un common with his teachers. But they accepted him because he was a lovable kid without a trace of arrogance or pride.
"Nikola Tesla Free Energy and the White Dove by Commander X
Top Secret Revelations by former Military Intelligence Operative
Astounding Discovery-Antigravity Craft Now being Tested by US Government
Friday, September 1, 2023
Mind Control
Tompkins participated in the design if mind control technology.
Electromagnetic energy was directed into soundproof rooms with groups of men and women to test their ability to resist the influence of directed thought activation. We were seeing the result of the work of these people.
Another program was a marketing tool fir the motion picture and television industry. It involved presenting information on the movie sound track that cannot be heared or seen by the audience thereby influencing them to accomplish a task or a.missiin that theybwere totally unaware of.
Extraterratrial Awareness
This is the information that William Tompkins was aware of regarding ET races. He was part of a thinkntank group paid by the US Government to find that kind of information and classify it.
Initially the Think Tank at Douglas were aware of few types of Extraterratrials like mybe two tyoes if Grays. It turned out that there were eleven types of Grays all with different agendas. There is a constant interference from extraterratrials in human affairs tearing down everything thatbalkows us to live in harmony.
The secretaries and administrative assistants in The Think Tank were Nordic Extraterrestrials looking human.
Nordics Grays and Reptilian extraterratrials have the ability from the starship to see hear everything we are doing. They can also projec their intentions to us through activation, and sending us thoughts messages.
William Tompkins felt that he received messages that would accomplish something according to et agenda different from the specifications of the contract.
According to Mr Thomkins there are over 100 species here some from other galaxies.
Theybare disrupting worrying or controlling every activity that humans are involved in.
TRW is a massive think tank that us comoatimentalized with over 179 special laboratories. These represent individual research companies or universities that participate in a.multitude of deep space and Galactic programs.
There are 20 laboratories devoted just in Biological warfare alone (2016 data)
Inside TRW there were dozens if aliens implementing hundreds of their agendas.
They operating on people take the organs and clonning some of the people. Theybare not invisible theybare playing with people's brains.
Some Nordic type of aliens human looking lectured in South America about futuristic modern looking buildings. These buildings were later constructed
.Dr Allen Hynes Dr Joe Conley had tge opportunity to fly several Nordic vehicles during many years of alien support. He had convinced millions that it was time to release the truth about aliens in this planet.
He wanted to implement their plan to move a lot of us to the Nordic Star Cluster
About 2003 moved in again and kicked the Nordics off the planet. So we are slipping back into dark ages.
Everything in the Nordic planet is extremely futuristic.
John Alexander was the boos at TRW the office that researched aliens and their influence on the planet.
There are according to their research alien insects 6 foot black ants. There are millions swarming over the planet.
This department researched the number of known alien races that participate in secret societies.
They believed that there were 36 but had confirmed 20.
Secret societies are operating and influencing many organizations right now on our planet.
In ehese secret societies most prieminent Extraterratrials are the reptilians.
The docume ts in the TRWsupport that reptilian home star system is utilizing masonic technology not just from caverns control centers and Antarctica but also from their home star system.
And that's just ine of about twenty alien species muddling the water.
Ancient aristocratic European secret societies enforced absolute control of every element of life in European countries for thousands of years.
The aristocratic leaders the kings, queens princess and princesses and Roman's before them were all controlled by secret societies.
They used remote viewing to find information regarding aliens and then the information was confirmed from other sources.
12 for praying mantises and crabs that were 9 feet in diameter roaming other planets, some of which were capable of managing secret societies that controlling other tyoes of aliens.
7 feet wide 25 foot high praying mantises mind controlled other animals. It's groups had control of 37 stars in one arm of the Milky Way Gallaxy. The Secret society that controlled them were membersbofnthenreptilian gangs that through mind controlncausednteror to earth people.
Other finds ; the Navy medical guys at area 51 developed food for New Mexico reptiles that eat peoples.
Aliens influenced aerospace development and continuous instigating wars throughout history.
There is a race of royal Reptile Human Hybrid bloodlines who are controlling the population of planets near their stars innthisbarea of our galaxy. They do this by setting them at war with each other.
The earth moon is their regional.command centernfirnthisnregiin of our gallery. The moon is hollow.
Earth is considered Draco's planet by these aliens.Earth is considered a laboratory for these alien races.
Somehow we seem to not understand that aliens limit our intelligence.
There is a strong possibility that aliens have controlled this planet for thousands of years.
The group are TRW compiled a list of known facts about aliens.
1. In legal areas they created rules that conflict in outcome with other legal cases.
2. Food They have poisoned our farm food, livestock, fish and the seas.
3. Falsifiednour history and burned our books.
4. Controlled our brain to not allow us to use 95% of our subconscious.
5.Education and learning The teaching of bad politics, incorrect schooling from kindergarten to university is devastating because take place all iver the country.
6. Communication control if all books radii TV putting publishing companies out of business.
7. Finance all countries are controlled by Bildelbergs.
8. Hate create hate in our brains sonwenstartnwars.
9. Freedom destroyed US constitution
10. Transportation every time we accomplish something good they destroy it see public transportation.
11 Destroying love
12 Creator of War
13 Movies and propaganda
14. Secret controlling organizations like freemasonry.
15. Religion create competing religions like Muslims and the Koran
16 medical all cintrol
17 drugs bad every drug has side effects more damaged that the drug.
18 Abductiins interpreting and massive Galactic slavery.
They have done for humanity this for 30,000 years.
Two species of aliens can survive only on human blood.
Hard to believe but therebare more than 60,000 different advanced alien research underground laboratories onbEarth. Not even the person editing the manuscriot of William could not believe it.
Alien transport vehicles travel daily between different centres Dulce Mt Shasta Mars Venus, Jupiternand Satur moin and local starts planet.
The nirdics cannitnget flu ir cold like we do they have very long life span.
Many aliens such as insectoid types live underground throughout thus region of the Gallaxy abd have lifespan of hundred of thousands of years.theybare at war with Draco Reptilians.
Many different species are involved in different is difficult to understand thatbat different underground levels 20,30, 40 levels down there are thousands of laboratories working on various types of interbreading involving humans extraterrestrials and animals.
Dulce has over 60 levels starting one Mile down is in operation since 1930and are controlled by Grays and Reptilians with Navy support ( meaning American military support în exchange for technology).
The tunel from. Mount Shasts runs directly ți Dulce Center In New Mexico.
Large underground tunnels with the aliens that have parrot like beau head.
They have a massive underground facility.
Remote wievers recorder the presence of such aliens.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
The Moon
It is hollow a station that was built out in the Gallaxy by one of the Federationstowed I to the earth orbit and parked with one side facing the earth.
The moin tidal locking with earth is highly unusual given their relative size.
Rhe Moon is a solar system command center handling situations in this sector of the galaxy.
First it's not our Moon. Planet Eartg is not our planet. We are just allowed to use it while working for them at slightly above slave level.
The Earth and the Moin both belong to several entities out there.
Aliens have built hundreds of Moon structures most on the backside so ancient people living on earth type planeteciuld not see the constructions.
Aliens have built extensive facilities not just in caverns like thise that cover the entire inside of the Earth, but many cities on the backside of the Hollow Miin structures.
The public was not informed of the conversation between the astronauts and Missiin Control in 1969 because CIA censored all of it and classifies as above top secret.
They the astronauts observed 6 large vehicles perched on the crater's edge observing them.
Armstrong shouted. "They are Huge Sir." This conversation was also censored from the public.
There was a 2 minute TV transmission silence calked technical difficulty .
They were told by ET that humans are not welcomed to the Moon. They can continue with the future planned landings, however they were not to return after that.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
German Crafts during World War 2
The vesela were operated by 2 to 6 men. Theybcan possible achieve velocities if 1000 miles per hour. The vesels were cone shaped, two Saucer shaped, and a massive one having 550 feet in diameter.
The vesels were armed with light beams weapons.
As the Admiral had hard time understanding William Thomkins formed a picture of the configuration of the object and his subconscious would photograph it. It was a firm of remote viewing even though it was not called that at that time.
He made preliminary sketches and include them in his reports to his superiors.
Finally the Americans accepted that something or someone was assisting the Germans that was 'way out there'.
The pictures are taken from internet (Facebook)
In 1941 a similar object was floating in the ocean seventy miles off the coast of San Diego California.
Monday, August 28, 2023
Knowledge is advanced by beginning with the right questions.
William Tompkins asked few questions:
1. Can we develop a pill that slow down aging?
2. Are there underground transportation tunels?
3. Whi built the pyramids?
4. Could free energy systems ever replace internal combustion?
5. How many alien races might there be visiting us?
6. Is rhere a secret Space program with bases on the moon?
In this book he is trying to tell us what he found out.
In 1932 there was a so called Battle of Los Angeles a first major incident in a long strings of incidents in recent history connected with UFO phenomenon.
Half of the Califirnia watched the event nearly all night. Two smaller UFO have been shot down.
3 then 5 then 12 ships appeared on the sky. Anti aircraft fired over them. The. Vehicles passed over Çalifornia iver 5 hours
We were naive with the understanding of the history of this planet.
1942 after Japanese attack of pearl Harbor hundred of extraterratrial crafts and spacecraft carriers swarmed iver southern California for several hours. The event was seen by half million of people. William Thomkins was one if them. He concluded thatbwas a massive interplanetary mothership from somewhere in the Gallaxy. The mothership has disembarked hundreds of smaller landing type vehicles with a totally unknown mission onto planet Earth.
Theybwere not here to take over us but to investigate the insane dropping of atomic bombs.
Nuclear weapons technology is a big red flag and a no-no out in Galaxy.
After Los Angeles UFO incident Donald Douglas CEO of Douglas aircraft James Forestal Secretary of the Navy along with 2 military officers and a guy from MIT all whiteness the entire sighting. They were in shock for watching a huge mothershiphalf a. Ugh and the largest massive Naval space battle. There were hundreds of massive Naval space battke ships flying or some even parked for iver one hour at only 8000 feet above them.
These whiteness were aware of aliens existence influencing German SS but this was America.
Saint Germain
This book is based on 3 year research and thousands of hours of editing of a documentary by James Rink and was edited by David E Robinson that have seen the documentary and asked permission to make a book out of the information provided in the documentary.
The book presents how Saint Germain helped to bring about the beginning of an enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the realms if the Illuminati and corrupt Massonic order.
The Story start when the Queen Elisabeth the 1st (1533-1603) ans SirnRobert Dudley(1533-1588) started an arranged marriage. Due to Dudley's political ambition the queen chose to maintain her virgin status. From this marriage came forth Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who was raised by an adopted family.
At age 15 while his parents were arguing he over heared thebtruth that he was the future heir of the King of England. All his life the queen kept dangling in front of him the mantle of power.
To be or not to be, that was his question. It was not to be. In 1603 Queen Elisabeth appointed King James VI (1565-1625) of Scothland to be her successor.
Grancis Bacin decided to raise above his circumstances in the pursuit of Scolari and political interests.
He had King James Bible translated. He wrote the Sakesperian sonnets.He persuaded KIng James to charter Newfoundland and was an officer in the Virginia Company.
He was King James's Lord Chancellor.
He fathered deductive reasoning which set the ground for science and technology to liberate the humanity.
Secretly he was a master of the alchemical sciences and the occult. (Occult means hidden).
It was here that he began tonremember his past lives as the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Saint Joseph, Merlin, Roger Bacon and Christopher Columbus.
When he was the prophet Samuel he helped liberate rhe children of Abraham from the bandaje of corrupt priests and Philistines.
În the 5th century while Europe was fakking into dark ages he returned as Merlin, to help King Arthur establish Britain into a stringhold against ignorance and superstition. In 19th century his efforts blossomed and United Kingdom became a place where industry and individual initiative could thrive as never before in 12,000 years.
As medieval alchemist Roger Bacin (1214-1294) he predicted the invention of the hot air balloon, a flying machine, a magnifying glass, and mechanical propelled ships and carriages. And he wrote of them as if he had actually seen them.
He believed true knowledge seems not from the authority of others not from digmasbut is a highly persinal experience a light that communicate only to individual through the impartial channels of all knowledge and of all thought.
Roger Bacon wrote "Opus Magius" a voyage of three ships and the discovery of the New World.
In his nest life as Christofor Columbus he was inspired by these words .
When Francis Bacin became conscious of these incarnations he sought thise hidden treasures he placed away until his rebirth.
At the age of 13 Francis cinceived a time when mankind would go through a period if great restauration. He placed this vision for humanity in his. book "The Great Instauration"in which he formalized his to hange the whole wide world through restauration of true knowledge after centuries of obscured neglect. He first devices here the scientific method that ultimately launched a new English Renaissance.
His ideas were kept in the shroud of secret societies. With his brother Anthony and some friends of Gray's InnLaw School they created a secret society "The Kings of the Helmet".
The name came from the Goddess Arhena who is depicted as wearing Pallas's helmet of invisibility and carrying the golden spear of knowledge. Goddess Arhe a brings about wisdom intellect and the moral side if human life.
Athena's helmet of invisibility represent her silent war against ignorance and sloth.
1611 King James edition of the Bibke was commissioned in order to unite Anglican and puritan church leaders. The final draft was handed to King James who then passed to Francis Bacon so that he could revise the Bible that is still in use today.
Many workers were. Written anonymously under pen name such as William Sakespeare because goddess Atena was known to carry the spear of knowledge which she used to shake the serpent of ignorance. So the name Shakespeare came as a symbol.
Talking about the two children of Queen Elisabeth l at that time would have resulted in imprisonment and death.
At age 12 he was enrolled in Cambridge University. Mysteriously Queen Elisabeth provided funds for his education. At age 15 he found about his royal blood so he was sent to France where he learned how to cipher codes to learn new ways to protect information and lasso worked with masinic secret societies which sought to reform French language.
When he came back 3 years later he built Kings of Helmet part of secret Sicieties found with Risicrucuan teachings which dated backnto Atlantis.
The Rosicrucian were a group of secret societies which believed knowledge and wisdom was eternal and should be freely available to those who seek it.
The Rosecrans secret society inspired Francis Bacon to write the book Great Instaurarion" which would restore paradise in earth through knowledge ans Virtue.
In addition to the Rosicrosse and Knight's of the Helmet secret societies was rhe Freemasson secret society whose members passed down the secret of building the massive Cathedrals.and cartels of Europe.
After 1603 the death of Queen Elisabeth, King James succeeded to the tone.
Francis Bacon was pronounced Viscount St Albans and Lord Canceļor.
He was given the task to reform freemassonery which was a.clike for rhe elites.
He intended to transform it into a fraternal order of philosopher under 3 principles of brotherly love, relief for the poor and seeker if the truth.
He redrafted the nine degree of the King's Templar into 33 degrees which became rhe basis of freemasonry today.
Francis chose 33 initiations from a simple Elisabethancipjer which equaled the numerical values of his signature.
B= 2 A=1 C= 3 O= 14 N= 13
His masonic teachings of in error divine potential and enlightened spread and laterresukted in the creation of the United States of America.
He faked his own death in 1626, then traveled to the Racoczi Mansiin in the Carpatian mountains of Transilvania now located in Romania.
He continued his study in Alkemy preparing for his physical Ascension under Master R.
On1684, May 1 he mastered the secrets and ascended into 14th dimension transmuting his mortal body into an immortal angel conquering death itself.
The highest form of alchemy is. Ot transmitting base elements in gold but instead the transmutation of the soul with the oneness with the God.
After Ascension occurs rhe soul would chose ro serve higher dimensioms.
Francis requested to joinThe Great White Brotherhood of Light who are sould whi chose to stay in earth until rhe entire huma ity would Ascend.
His Karmic board gra Ted his request and he materialized a new body as the Comte de Saint Germain. He chose this name from Sanctus Germanys meaning "Holy.Brother".
As Saint Germain he never aged, was an accomplished singer, pianist, violonist.
He served as consolelor to Kings and princesess.
After Saint Germain ascendent he remained in Transilvania. Not much is known from that period.
1710 Saint Germain appeared în. E
Venice. He i troduced himself as the Marquiz de Montferrat and appeared 40 years old.
He shared in 1727 the art of transmitting lead to gold wit German bankers în the hope tha wealth generated would benefit humanity. They used it for themselves.
1729 he abandonate support fot these power brokers and created World Trust. He stipulated that World Trust would be released in the Year 2000
1737-1742 Saint Germain traveled to the Shah of Lersia where he learned the art of precipitation and enlarging gemstones.
His Masonic secret Society was infiltrated by the Satanic Fraction of the Bavarian Lodge if Freemasonry.